Trouble Inactive
2025-01-17 06:00:00 2025-01-17 10:00:00 Solved: Trouble of the VPN connection
The problem has been solved.

If the connection does not work in some cases, please check the following:
1. restart the Cisco client, if necessary restart the computer
2. log in to https://vpn.desy.de with account name and password + OTP (directly after password)
3. determine the IPv4 address at https://whatismyipaddress.com/
The colleagues then check whether the IP address has been blocked due to too many incorrect entries.


Since today, Freitag, 17.1.2025, 06:00h the central service VPN is not available. Therefore it is not possible to connect via VPN to the DESY Intranet

The colleagues are informed.
We are working on a solution with highest priority.

As soon as we have more detailled information about the impacts or the problem has been solved, we will inform you about it.

Caused by: Unforeseen effects of a configuration change
Trouble Inactive
2025-01-17 06:00:00 2025-01-17 08:04:00 Trouble of the VPN connection
Since today, Freitag, 17.1.2025, 06:00h the central service VPN is not available. Therefore it is not possible to connect via VPN to the DESY Intranet

The colleagues are informed.
We are working on a solution with highest priority.

As soon as we have more detailled information about the impacts or the problem has been solved, we will inform you about it.

Caused by: Unknown